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Conversion Booster Website Pack
for Dental Offices


FREE Conversion Booster Website Pack

Did you know that over 70% of visitors who abandon your website will never return? And most websites capture less than 1 email for every 200 visitors. That's a lot of potential patients and revenue slipping away. Our Conversion Booster Website Pack is designed to tackle these challenges head-on.

Our pack includes:

  • Reviews Notification Widget: This widget showcases real-time reviews on your website, boosting trust and transparency with social proof. Potential clients can appreciate the quality of your service even before they walk through your doors.
  • Exit Intent Popup Banner: When a visitor decides to leave, a banner promoting your new client special will pop up. This tactic alone can convert an additional 2 to 4% of website visitors into potential patients.

Why are we offering this for free?

We believe in starting relationships on a solid foundation of trust and value. Our goal is to demonstrate firsthand how our solutions can enhance your conversions, attract more patients, and improve your client's overall experience. It's our way of saying, "Let's begin a prosperous journey together."
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Get Your FREE Conversion Pack!

Schedule a quick call so we can walk you through how to get it set up on your website quickly and painlessly.